
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Concrete Patio DIY?

If you’ve been toying with the idea of building a concrete patio, but are unsure of the costs and benefits, this article is for you. Find out what a DIY concrete patio typically cost, and how Augusta Concrete Solutions can help make your dream come true if you don’t!

Cost Factors For A Concrete Patio


You Or A Contractor – Concrete patio pricing will be determined by whether you do the work yourself or hire a contractor. The cost of materials is about the same, but you can expect to pay a contractor’s fee on top of that. Augusta Concrete Solutions can help you with the planning process to get a better idea of what it will cost.


Project Difficulty – Is your lawn flat, slanted, or full of bushes? These will determine your grading and excavation costs. If the lawn is flat, the grading and excavation will be minimal. If it is sloped, you will need to excavate the excess dirt so that your patio doesn’t look like a sunken mountain. If there are bushes, trees, or other landscaping features – you may need to remove them before installation.


Patio Size – A concrete patio will cost more than a basic, finished slab for several reasons. First off, you can expect to pay more for a patio that is larger in size. The price per for can be affected by the number of linear feet (you will pay more for a longer patio). The depth and width can also affect the cost. A wider, thinner patio will cost less per square foot, this is because it takes fewer materials to build a wider patio.


Design Complexity – The more complex the design, the higher the cost. Curved shapes, steps to the yard, and other features will add to your total price. This is because you will need more materials and these features usually require an experienced Augusta Concrete Solutions contractor to ensure a quality job.


Materials –DIY Concrete Patio Costs The type of material you choose will also affect your final price. If you are looking for Augusta Concrete Solutions to provide stamped concrete, color hardeners, or other decorative finishes – the price will be higher. If you’re doing the work yourself, you may need to add some finishing materials such as sand, stones, or gravel. You’ll also need the tools like a concrete saw, mixer, and stamps.


Labor Costs – Augusta Concrete Solutions contractors are experienced professionals and their labor cost should reflect that. We will quote a per square foot fee for the labor and overhead costs, but they can give you an estimate based on your unique situation if you choose not to DIY your patio.


Whether you choose to DIY your concrete patio or take on the extra cost and hire our team of Augusta Concrete Solutions professionals, you can be sure that the final product will add value and beauty to your home. Our vast experience in the concrete industry gives us the knowledge to help you choose the right materials and design for your unique space. Contact Augusta Concrete Solutions today for a free consultation!

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